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Re: Colors and Packages overview

On Apr 30, Jim Smith wrote
>alfred de Groot wrote:
>> Recently I switched from Slackware to Debian. What I miss are the colors
>> wich indicates directorys and other special files. How can I get those
>> colors back?
>Try "alias ls=ls -color=auto" in your .bashrc.

You may also need to fiddle with /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm[-color]
to get colors in an xterm.  The color assignments are in
XTerm-color, and I've never figured out how this file ever gets
sourced.  I always just rename XTerm to XTerm-nocolor, create a
soft link from XTerm to XTerm-color, and change the "#include"
line in XTerm-color to include XTerm-nocolor.  Then, I think you
have to invoke the xterm command with the "+cm" options.


   - rick

Richard Kilgore                     |  rkilgore@lore.ece.utexas.edu
Electrical & Computer Engineering   |  http://lore.ece.utexas.edu/~rkilgore/
The University of Texas at Austin   |  (512) 471-8011

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