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Re: vi

Britton <fsblk@aurora.alaska.edu> writes:

> Wow, you guys sure think fast :)  But I know where you are coming from.  I
> am a pretty speedy typist and have often been annoyed by odd keys.  Now I
> am wondering:  is there an easy way with emacs or some other editor to
> assign a short string to a 'wierd key'?  I hate parenthesies for example
> (I can't even speell them).  It would be nice if I could just type pn and
> have it immediately subbed out for the char (.  cn could close it.
> Anything out there that lets you set things like this?

Parentheses really are your friend :> , but you can get the effect you
want a number of different ways in emacs.  The best is probably to
investigate abbrev-mode which makes emacs auto-substitute something
you type for something else as soon as you type the last character.

Another trick that many emacs/lisp programmers use is to switch the
parens and brackets on their keyboards so you don't have to reach or
hit shift to get to them...

Finally, not that you'd want to do this, but this would make f5 be
open paren.

(defun open-paren ()
  (interactive nil)
  (insert "("))

(global-set-key [f5] 'open-paren)

I'm sure there are even better ways to do this...

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