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Re: bi (Please stop it)

On Wed, 16 Apr 1997, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> The issue relevant to this group is: what editor should someone
> expect to find on a system's boot/rescue disk?  That someone
> presumably being a person with enough unix experience to recover
> from the usual problems that can make your machine fail to boot.
> The last thing you need at that point (especially if this is a
> server for many people) is a surprise from the editor or to have
> to learn a new one.

So why is the issue that _seems_ to be relevant to the group (or at least
the posters within) the minimization of the number of keystrokes or the
level of injury supposedly inflicted by its interface? 

Besides, wouldn't a discussion of an appropiate boot/rescue disk editor be
better suited for the developer's list?  It would seem to me that they are
the ones responsible for developing the actual boot disks.

I agree with Joey's original message: let's let the editor debate rest a
bit, folks, or give it focus and a new thread name.



Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University			templin@bucknell.edu

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