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Re: Copy Debian in CD


Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> Is legal if I copy the full DEBIAN distribution in a CD (ftp.debian.org)
> and I give the CD to my friend? 

Short answer: Yes, perfectly legal.

Most programs in the main Debian distribution are covered by the GPL,
which states that if you do not distribute source code, you have
to "Accompany it with a written offer...". I say this because it is very
likely that the whole Debian distribution did not fit in a single CD.

> Can I copy the "non-free" directory too?

- From the Debian FAQ:

"non-free:  This directory contains packages whose distribution is
restricted in a way which requires that distributors take careful account
of the specified copyright requirements. For example, some packages have
licenses which prohibit commercial distribution. Others can be
redistributed but are in fact shareware and not freeware. The licenses of
each of these packages must be studied, and possibly negotiated, before
the packages are included in any redistribution (e.g., in a CD-ROM)."

In short: To be sure: You would have to read all the copyright and
copying licenses. Definitely you should do it if you try to sell it to
your friend.

BTW: If you find any program in the core distribution that you think it
should go in non-free, this is a bug that you can report through the bug 
tracking system.


Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es>

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