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Re: update-menus

On Apr 12, Paul Wade wrote

> I notice that many of the packages tell you that you can run a config
> program (gpmconfig, apacheconfig, smailconfig) at a later time to change
> things. Shouldn't these be added to menus as part of the install? That way
> root could run pdmenu and easily get to a submenu of config tools. Where
> user config is allowed, it would be placed on their menus, too.

Good point.  This would bring us one step closer to a debian configuration
tool.  Would you like to discuss this topic with the particular maintainer
to get them 'registrated' - and to let them look similar.



  / Martin Schulze * Debian GNU/Linux Developer * joey@debian.org /
 / http://www.debian.org/              http://home.pages.de/~joey/

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