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RE: bi


I do search and replace in Xemacs all the time.  I'm fairly sure that regular
emacs will do it too.

My point is if Linux is moving forward in time why do vi-hards get up-in-arms
about it being left out.  vi is good for what it is.  I think it should move
into the GUI world since it is really too much for this application.  To fix
a broken install you need a simple, self-contained, small editor.

If I want to do wordprocessing I'll use Xemacs.  I use X because I like it. 
Why go back to a command shell editor when I can use a GUI editor?

vi had it's time.  Time to move on.  There are better editors now.

On 11-Apr-97 Jason Costomiris wrote:
>On Fri, 11 Apr 1997, Rick wrote:
>> What is it that is so special about vi?  Does it decompile programs or
>> them all by itself or leap tall buildings with a single bound?
>I get calls from users all the time asking "How do I search and replace in
>my file?"  9 times out of 10, they are using pico, which has to be the
>most brain dead editor ever created.  I always tell them, use vi, and
>Voila.  Takes about 3 seconds to type it and change every instance of some
>expression in an entire file.  Could be handy if you suddenly realize that
>you've been misspelling some guy's name throughout your 50 page thesis.
>I tell them to use vi, they wretch, much like you seem to be.  They ask if
>there's something else.  I then tell them:
>perl -pi.bak -e 's/search-regexp/replace-string/g' filename
>....  and then they go into convulsions.  Then they waste a bazillion years
>ftp'ing their file to their Windoze box, make the changes using Notepad,
>and then ftp it back in binary mode, thus munging the end of lines, and
>then call me again for help, asking why there are all of these funny ^M's
>on the end of their lines.  Argh.
>Jason Costomiris                 | Finger for PGP 2.6.2 Public Key
>jcostom@sjis.com                 | "There is a fine line between idiocy
>My employers like me, but not   | and genius.  We aim to erase that line"
>enough to let me speak for them. |                     --Unknown
>                       http://www.jasons.org/~jcostom
Have a good one.

- ----------------------------------
Rick Jones              E-Mail: Rick <rickya@siservices.net> 

Date: 11-Apr-97                                                                                                Time: 17:22:43
- ----------------------------------

Version: 2.6.2


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