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Re: error in bind.postinst with froze

On Apr 9, John Foster wrote
: It unpacks OK, but then during the config it crashes with an unknown
: syntax error near line 120 'done'. This is just after an esac, and
: Any help at all would be nice, as I can't see anything wrong with the
: bash script, but it's not my strongest suit anyway.

Take your favorite editor, open /var/lib/dpkg/info/bind.postinst at line
120 and insert a `;' just befor the `}'.  That's the difference
from the old to the new bash.

Than take dselect and select `[C]onfigure' or enter the approbiate
command line (dpkg -....).

Or wait for a new release of the bind package ;-)

email : heiko@lotte.sax.de heiko@debian.org heiko@sax.de
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