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Re: URGENT: writing Win95 Compatible ISO Images

I assume what you are trying to do is make a disk with long file names in
tact so Win95 can see the long file names properly.

What you need is a mkisofs which knows how to write images in the 'joliet'
file system. Mkisofs does not know how to write joliet (a proprietary fs
availavble only on Win95 and NT 4.0). Currently there is know software
available (that I am aware of) can write joliet compatabile images on a
Linux box. Most Windows programs will however.

The 'allow 32 character filenames' option in mkisofs is close, but
filenames don't allways show up on Win95 with the long names in tact. This
has to do with following the iso9660 standard. If your filenames have more
than 1 period or spaces in them, the full 32 character filename will not
show up.

Thanks, Aaron Newsome

On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Pere Camps wrote:

> Hi!
> 	How do I make a Win95 Compatible ISO Image with mkisofs? I've
> tried with the -l -L options, but it doesn't work 100% all right.
> 	Thanks a lot in advance! 	
> Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o         mailto:pere@casal.upc.es
>   2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_       http://casal.upc.es/~pere/
> PGP key available     ---  (_)/ (_)    "Lo importante es el concepto"

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