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Re: simple questions

On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, me wrote:

> If you can get a copy of OS2 BootManager, it will take care of everything.
> I believe it is about the best out there. I have used it with
> Win95/FreeBSD, Win95/Linux(slackware), and now Win95/Debian.
> It works flawlessly. 

As does most of the rest of OS/2. It is a shame that Microsoft was allowed
to prevent the PC manufacturers from shipping it on their systems.  We
would then be dealing with OS/2 Server in the workplace rather than NT
Server and it (OS/2) integrates so much better with a tcp/ip network and
services.  It certainly is a damned shame. If you ever have the chance to
install it for a PC desktop workstation, give OS/2 a look. When Win95 came
out, I remember commenting that it looks like Microsoft copied the OS/2
desktop and then screwed it up with proprietary junk that people only use
because they hae no other choice.

George Bonser 
Debian/GNU Linux  See http://www.debian.org
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