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Re: simple questions

On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Britton wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Dana M. Epp wrote:
> In my experience this works, but not nicely.  You have to install Win95
> first, and when it gets itselft all screwed up you can't reinstall it
> without scrapping your master boot record again, which I'm sure is a real
> pain if not a castrophe.  I've also found (though it probably should have
> been obvious) that letting Win95 automagically reboot whill mess up your
> MBR to where you have to go in with a rescue disk.  When it asks you if

Can you be more specific about your trouble with rebooting Win95?  I do it
all the time and never have a problem.  LILO works quite well.

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