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Re: pop3 problem

Michael Roark wrote:
> I have a debian box that serves mail for a large group of people (off
> site). I was using in.qpopper for the pop3 daemon until the trouble
> started. Now, when they try to check mail they get the following error:
> Could not log in to the POP3 server.
> The server responded:
> maillock: '/var/spool/pop/<username>.pop'
> Please enter a new password for POP3 user <user>@<domain.com>
> I tried everything under the sun to get that fixed, but couldn't, so I
> downloaded the pop3d package. After compiling it, users can check mail,
> but the server responds that they don't have any, though they do.
> Evidently the pop client can connect to the port, but the daemon checks
> in the wrong place for the mail.
> I don't know where to go to troubleshoot the problem further. Does anyone
> have any ideas?

I had the same problem. I switched to cucipop and the problems went

Jens B. Jorgensen

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