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Re: mount /floppy

Timothy Phan wrote:
>   What do I suppose to put in the /etc/fstab so that any
>   user can mount the floppy disk with just 'mount /floppy'
>   and all user can access it.

I have in my /etc/fstab :

/dev/fd0    /a        msdos       user,noauto     0       0
/dev/fd0    /fd       ext2        user,noauto     0       0

You have also do mkdir /a /fd   or any other name you like (like /a:  ).

Then a user mount /a if the diskette is in dos format, or /fd if its in
linux format.
I know there is also an automatic way to detect the disk format, check
the docs (I rarely use the floppy :-).

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