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Re: installation question

> > intallation telling which disk to choose in intalll Debian? I want to
> > intall Debian in disk D but I am afraid of losing the old win95 data on
> > disk C. Before I am sure about this, I don't dare to proceed. Anyone cares
> "D" in linux parlance is likely to be "/dev/hdb",  but check it out.  At
> some point,  it'll ask you to "create a linux partition" or something,  at
> which point you specify that you want to use your second hard disk.

What is important is not to use /dev/hda, which is drive c:

If oth drives are on the same controller, d is /dev/hdb, while it will bee /dev/hdc if it is on the second controller, if you even have one.


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