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Re: printing in 2.1.x kernels

Matt Thompson <mattyt@oz.net> writes:
MT> did i hear that there are problems here?  i have two dev kernels, one
MT> based on 2.1.59 and one on 2.1.65 and neither seems to want to print
MT> anything.  as soon as i reboot into my 2.0.29 kernel, the jobs spooled
MT> start printing before the system even finishes booting.
MT> do i need to change any configs?

The names of the printer devices changed from the DOS-like ones in all 
of the older kernels (/dev/lp1 <==> LPT1:) to device names consistent
with the rest of Linux (/dev/lp0 <==> LPT1:, lp1=LPT2:, lp2=LPT3:).
You need to change the name of your printer device in /etc/printcap if 
you run a 2.1 kernel (probably replace /dev/lp1 with /dev/lp0).

/                             \  "The cat's been in the box for over
|          David Maze         |  20 years.  Nobody's feeding it.  The
|         dmaze@mit.edu       |            cat is dead."
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