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Re: wtmp, last wrecked (bo->hamm upgrade)

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Scott Ellis wrote:

> > I'm about upgrading to hamm, probably in the middle of it. THe system
> > works and no problems detected at all until I realised that my 'last' is
> > broken. 

> The format of the utmp/wtmp file has changed between libc5 and libc6.  The
> version of libc5 in hamm can handle the different utmp file (which keeps
> track of who is on NOW), but didn't have functions to deal with wtmp.
> Upgrading everything that is responsible for logins (ssh, xterm, login,
> etc) and zeroing out wtmp will clean up your problem.

Thank you. 

I should mention that it was still broken until I rebooted. Seems that
wtmp really needs the "reboot" entry in the file. Without it there was
still garbage -- since reboot it is allright.


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