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Re: diald question

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997 22:33:11 PST Janos A Csirik (janos@math.berkeley.e
du) wrote:
> I have been using dctrl to look at timeouts and noticed that although my
> general tcp timeout is set to 10 minutes, fetchmail generates tcp
> packets that start as though they'd keep the link up for 10 minutes, but
> after about 1 second it changes to keeping the link up for only 5
> seconds.  If the host that fetchmail is trying to connect is not in my
> /etc/hosts, then everything still works since the host query udp packets
> have 30 second timeouts.  (My modem takes about 20 seconds to connect.)
> I included a copy of my /etc/diald/standard.filters in case it's
> relevant.

> keepup tcp 5 !tcp.live

This line says that when a tcp connection is closed, this connection will only hold the link up for 5 secs.
That's probably this one you want to change: when the pop3 tcp connection is closed, the link has 5 secs to live unless you have other connections around.


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