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Re: /etc/init.d/network

> Hi Chuck,
> This sort of thing can happen if you have a domain name in .../networks
> instead of an IP number.  Another time it happened to me when I did a
> "tidy-up" of /etc/hosts and removed an important domain-IP pairing. 
When you say ".../networks" you mean "/etc/networks" - right?  Why is
the system sensitive to domain names in that file?  Is it because it
forces a DNS lookup and named hasn't started yet?

> How about getting the script to print out all the variables just before
> it uses them?  $GATEWAY and so on. 
I did that.  All of the variables are getting assigned properly.

> If you still need help I would be happy to take a look at your files.
I've found a kludge - added a sym-link from /etc/rc?.d/S99network to

I'm going to try one of the other suggestions I got about adding an
ifconfig to the end of /etc/init.d/network to see if the interface is
up at that time.  Maybe it's as you suggested that an improperly
configured file is preventing the interface from loading, maybe it's
getting loaded and then brought back down.

We'll see later this after noon.

> Lindsay

Thanks for your time.

Chuck Stickelman, Owner			E-Mail:	<stick@richnet.net>
Practical Network Design		Voice:	(419) 529-3841
9 Chambers Road				FAX:	(419) 529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1302 USA

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