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Shared Libraries Howto?


	I'm trying to build Diffpack, and I'm having some troubles. I want
to build this thing using shared libraries. Reading the ELF-HOWTO and
patching the sources somewhat I've managed to produce the shared libraries
for the different parts, but now I cann't use them.

	Setting LD_SHARED_PATH doesn't work... the linker doesn't see the
libraries. Reading the ld info page I'm getting the impression that the
shared libraries MUST BE on certain "trusted" directories for ldconfig to
work. Right now I'm testing the libraries, and I don't want to put them in
/usr/lib. Eventually, I'd like to make a package [*] out of this, but
right now I don't want to move this into the system paths. Is there a way
to make this work? Is there a howto? Any info pages I should read?

[*] for local use, there are license restrictions enforced in a "funny" 
way (if you agree with the license nobjects sends you a missing file in
the source distribution). This doesn't make Diffpack suitable for Debian.
I can pack patches, I think.

						Marcelo Magallon

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