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RE: help! :)

Hi Matt,

On 14-Oct-97 Matt Thompson wrote:
      ok, che, here we go,
      i *finally* got everything installed, after countless --force-depends and
      --force-conflicts commands, but now there's one little problem: I can't
      start *any* xterms!  every single program i try to start (netscape,
      pine) requires an xterm (of course) but everything gives me back a
      'Segmentation fault' error.
First of all, you shouldn't --force-* when you want a stable system.:)
Sorry I've keep up with your progress, so you'll have to explain what base
system you are running like Debian 1.3.1 or mixture of 1.3.1 with hamm.
And what packages you forced installed, which should be clue as to what is
wrong with you setup.

      please help! :)
      p.s. sorry if this is a bother, but the GIMP looks so excellent, i *had*
      to have it! :)
      Matt Thompson     
      MZI, Inc.           v-206.430.3726
      707 S. Grady Way    f-206.430.3420
      Renton, WA  98055   matt.thompson@mzi.com
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