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I worked the last days on a Soundblaster AWE HOWTO, so that the information
gathered on this list (remember the thread about the AWE64?) would not be

All information (and a little more) you need to install the Soundblaster 32,
SB AWE 32, SB AWE 64 on a Linux system are gathered here.

The reference system is a Debian GNU/Linux system, and with Debian is the
installation especially easy.

You can find the document in different formats on the following url:


Here is the   Table of Contents:

  1.      Introduction
  1.1.    Acknowledgments
  1.2.    Revision History
  1.3.    New versions of this document
  1.4.    Feedback
  1.5.    Distribution Policy

  2.      Before you start
  2.1.    Introduction
  2.2.    Some general notes about the SB AWE's
  2.3.    Some general notes about the Plug and Play cards
  2.4.    Some general notes about loadable kernel modules
  2.5.    Some general notes about the kernel sound driver

  3.      How to install SB AWE sound support
  3.1.    Things you will need
  3.2.    Getting started
  3.3.    Compiling the kernel
  3.4.    Reboot

  4.      Testing the Sound Driver
  4.1.    /proc/devices, /dev/sndstat
  4.2.    Output - The Raw Audio Device
  4.3.    Output - The OPL-2/OPL-3 Synthesis
  4.4.    Output - The WaveTable Synthesis
  4.5.    Mixing
  4.6.    Input - Sampling with the Raw Audio Device
  4.7.    The MIDI Port

  5.      AWE Driver Software
  5.1.    sfxload
  5.2.    drvmidi

  6.      Appendix
  6.1.    Additional Information
  6.2.    Sources
  6.3.    Sample isapnp.conf

thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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