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Re: Upgrading ghostscript?

On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

> It's too bad that the libc6 upgrade is leaving users out in the cold for so
> long...

Yes this is a shame.  I guess the switch had to be made sometime, but I
can't help feeling that it wouldn't have hurt to put it off a bit more.

> I just got an Epson Stylus Color 800 printer to try out, and
> I could managed much resolution out of Debian 1.3's installed 
> ghostscript.

I have the new Stylus Color 600.  I havn't been able to make it work at
all with the GS 4 stcolor driver.  The printer light just flickers
forever and /var/log/messages fills up with 'resetting lp1' type
messages.  I have tried a large number of things to make it work, but I 
have of course missed the one that works (if there is one).  The old st800
driver from gs 3 works, but it's not pretty.

> $ gs -h
> Aladdin Ghostscript 3.33 (4/10/1995)
> Now, the latest and greatest from http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/
> is Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03, so the installed version is very old.
> Okay, so I notice that `non-free' has gs-aladdin 4.03-7.
> gs-aladdin 5.03-1 is available in unstable, but lists *no* related
> packages on the web page (This is a bug!).  
> I downloaded it to find it needs:
>  libc6, libjpegg6a, libpaperg (>= 1.0.3-4), libpng0g, svgalibg1, 
>  xlib6g (>= 3.3-5), zlib1g
> So it's based on libc6...
> I presume I'm not the first to need Aladdin Ghostscript 5.03 to drive
> a recent printer.  Should I just get the sources and install them
> over Debian's installed files?  Do I need anything else?  Will I screw
> up my Debian 1.3 system if I do so?

You may be close to the first.  I have asked questions in a number of
places and only turned up one other person with one of this latest
generation from Epson.  At least I think he had one of the latest, but the
fact that he said he had it working makes me wonder.  Mayby he was using
GS 5.

> I'm seeking advice here.  Any pointers appreciated.  Has anyone setup
> a Stylus 800 with gs-aladdin 4.03-7?  What's the max you can do?
> How do you do it, since magicfilter is also too old to know about this
> printer? 

A knowledgable person (Anthony Fok) sent me his config file that he uses
for his Epson 500.  I doesn't work for me, but I could send it to you, and
you could let me know if you figure out what needs toe changed.

> (I'm sure this happens a lot with users stuck on libc5, seeing their system
> get more and more dated.  I like the `Debian' way better than the
> do-it-all-yourself way of Slackware, except when you *have* to do it
> yourself on Debian.  Then it seems that the dependencies hinder you because
> you have to do something behind the system's back, which requires greater
> knowledge of how the system keep track of its dependencies)

I think if you install everything in /usr/local you will be ok.  I have
pretty much mirrored the directory structure of /usr in /usr/local, and I
havn't run into anything too terribly determined to be installed somewhere
else.  Good luck!

> --
> Peter Galbraith, research scientist             <galbraith@mixing.qc.dfo.ca>
> Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
> P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada  418-775-0852 - FAX 418-775-0546
> --
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