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Re: Basic Debian hd mounting...

In article <[🔎] 342A54A9.347FDDD4@ForeverMail.com> Lawrence wrote:
: Carey Evans wrote:

[Klippa, klapp, kluppit.]

: > % ls -l /mnt/win95/autoexec.bat
: > -rw-r--r--   1 root     root          269 Sep 12 10:26 /mnt/win95/autoexec.bat
: well not all people can execute/erase files but still not good enough,
: people can read all files in this partition.

I'm sorry if I'm poking my nose into somewhere it doesn't belong but 
what is there on a windodows partition other shouldn't be able to

<hint> Now if somebody only could answer or explain my question and
problem about stat-ing nfs files while running suid. </hint>



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