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Re: Stable means not-changing?

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Lukas Eppler wrote:

> Please tell me: Does stable mean not-changing or not-segfaulting?

For the most part stable means non-changing.  The only updates made to
Debian 1.3.1 will be serious security or bug fixes, not minor changes or
updates.  All updated software goes into unstable in preperation for the
release of Debian 2.0

> Stable was not changing for weeks. I remember times (around Debian 1.2)
> when stable changed when non-segfaulting upgrades came out. I liked that a
> lot. It gave me the feeling to have the most-recent not-segfaulting
> software which is available, something which can't be done by sharing
> software on cd. Are there no new stable packages, or do I have to wait
> until a major upgrade is ready?

Packages in the unstable (hamm) section of the archives usually work fine,
but haven't necessarily been tested as well as those in stable.  They also
are likely to now depend on libc6, the new C library.  Instructions on how
to upgrade without breaking your current setup are posted every week or so
as the "Debian Libc5 to Libc6 Mini-HOWTO".  It is also available at

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