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Re: Intermittant PPP connection

Rob MacWilliams wrote:
 > My ISP has a 10 min. no activity timer once I am logged in and have
 > done something, so I just grab the mail every 9 min.  Your ping should
 > work fine and grabbing the mail every 10 sec. is a little excessive.
 > If I were you I would contact your ISP and ask them to change the 10
 > sec. timeout, it does seem a little unreasonable.

Has anyone suggested checking LCP-echo? -- I missed the beginning of
this thread.

/etc/ppp/options has LCP echo interval N and LCP echo failure M options which 
can cause this if your ISP doesn't reply to LCP-echoes.  What happens is 
your pppd sends echo-requests every N seconds and expects replies.  After M
unanswered echo-requests pppd assumes remote end is down and terminates.

Try commenting them out.
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