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Re: ESS vs SB16 sound cards?

>>>>> "RAI" == Raymond A Ingles <Raymond> writes:

RAI>  With the ESS 16-bit sound cards about $20 cheaper than the SB16
RAI> stuff, I'd consider getting one. How good is the ESS support under
RAI> Linux? How about DOS? (I'd like 16-bit sound for the few DOS games I
RAI> play, and so far as I know the ESS cards are only compatible with the
RAI> (8-bit) SB Pro.

RAI>  Does anyone have any info or recommendations? Thanks!


By "ESS" I'm assuming you mean Ensoniq SoundScape.

I have one and like it.  I only run Linux so I can't help much there; the
docs say that most games support it 16-bit.

Some of the mixer controls on the card are different from SB.  That makes
it a bit challenging to use under Linux.  For example, the MIDI mixer
interface is propritary.  Last time I checked, unless you buy the
commercial version of the Linux sound driver, you can't mix MIDI.

Mark Plaksin					http://www.negia.net/~happy/

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