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Debian and they Year 2000 problem

The Year 2000 problem has been discussed extensively, but when anyone asks
about Linux the answer is always 'The kernel is OK up till 2038, other
than that it is an application problem'

It seems to me that the Debian distribution, by breaking up the applications
into a large number of manageable packages, could help to address the year2000
problem for Linux users.

If we knew the year 2000 status of every package then we could see which areas
were OK and which ones needed work.

Something along the lines of a database (flat file type) with package name
and version and Year2000 status, with Year 2000 status being one of

No date dependancies
Not OK

I would expect the majority of packages to be in the 'No date dependancies'
or OK catagories without any work required.

The database would only deal with that particular package, leaving the issues
of dependancies on other packages to the normal Debian depandancy machanism.

	John Lines

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