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Re: Best Ethernet Card

On Sep 12, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote
> On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me which 100MB Ethernet Card is best for Debian (driver
> > quality, stability, support and also performance)? I'm planning to switch
> > to 100MB Ethernet Network and want to be shure that my new network card
> > will work without any problems. 
> I've been using 3COM 3C905-TX without any problems.  No idea how it
> compares with others.

However, there are known problems with the 3c905 as well.  Under some
situations/configurations, the 905 has some fairly severe problems.  I
have one, and unfortunately suffer from those problems (dropped packets,
the driver/card freezes, and only resumes after dropping out of busmastering
mode, etc.).  I will say this, though, the turnaround time for driver releases
is very fast.  Donald Becker does a great job with driver releases.  The
problems I've been having are known, and are also supposedly rare.  It
seems like my problems are more the exception than the rule.

I'm not trying to steer anyone away from the card, far from it, but the
driver is  not 100% perfect yet, either.  What is, though.

My $0.15 worth. (inflation's an evil thing)

Paul Kuykendall

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