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Re: how does "mail" know what MTA to use?

On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Pat Masterson wrote:

: Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 12:49:12 -0400 (EDT)
: Subject: how does "mail" know what MTA to use?
: Does the mail command have the MTA name hardwired into it? Or are there 
: ways of telling it to use sendmail or smail, etc?
:  Also, whats the simple explanatio of how to istall a package 
: (something.deb) into a running system? I want to put on sendmail. Thanks.
I believe that mail (at least the one from the mailx package) execs
/usr/bin/sendmail.  On smail based systems, /usr/bin/sendmail is a symlink
to smail, I assume the same would be true of other MTAs (qmail?).

to install sendmail you'll have to deinstall smail first.  Because so many
programs depend on an MTA, you'll need some extra command line options.
"dpkg --force-depends -r smail" should work, then a 
"dpkg -i sendmail_###.deb" to install your debian sendmail package.

------------------------------------- rstone@accesscom.com
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