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Re: mount, noatime option

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> > Hi,
> > kernel 2.0.30 supports the 'noatime' option for a filesystem, right?
> If compiled with that option, yes. Did you answer "yes" to
> that question? (I don't think (though I'm not sure) the default
> debian kernel has it compiled in).

I've got kernel-source 2.0.30-7 installed.
I don't get any questions related to this when I go 'make menuconfig'.
What options should be selected?

> > (inode's access time is not updated after reads).
> > mount_2.6d-1.deb doesn't seem to recognize this option (moount -o
> > noatime), or what is the right option.
> Does appear to be the correct option (man mount).

What is the mount package you are using?

I've got mount 2.6d-1 installed:
	# mount -o noatime /dev/sdc1 /mnt
	mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,
	       or too many mounted file systems

	(mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt is ok.)
Neither does the man page of mount know of option noatime.
And the binary doesn't seem to contain the word:
	# strings /bin/mount | grep -i time 
	timed out


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