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In a message to me, Hamish Moffatt, you wrote:

|"> Linux Systems Labs is offering the Debian Official 2-CD Set for $4.95,
|"> or for $9.95 . The product is identical in both cases, and the $9.95
|"> version includes a $5 donation to Software in the Public Interest,
|"> Debian's non-profit corporation. Here is LSL's ordering information.
|"> LSL price:     $4.95    or   $9.95 includes a $5.00 donation to Debian
|"> Product Code:  L000-016
|"> Availability:  Now Shipping
|"> Ordering Info: WWW    http://www.lsl.com  
|">                E-mail sales@lsl.com
|">                Fax    (248) 399 5354
|"Unfortunately, LSL (and similar companies like CheapBytes)
|"have outrageous overseas shipping policies, which will see
|"me pay $4.95 for two discs, making a $5 donation
|"to SPI, and a $22 donation to whatever courier company
|"or shipping agent it is they use. I would be happy to pay
|"$9.95 for the disc and $7 odd for postage, which is what
|"Walnut Creek/Pacific HiTech charge me on their monthly Linux discs.

Shipping to Europe is only $8 - I don't see why Australia should be much

Ronald van Loon (ronald@and.nl)

"I am waiting as fast as I can! I want patience, and I want it *NOW*!"
                                                     - Bethany J. Parkhurst

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