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kernel/net problems

I downgraded to my 2.0.29 kernel yesterday because of all the scsi disk
errors I was getting in /var/log/messages.  That seems to be fixed by
doing so.  However now, I'm having network problems... my network
connections will drop spuratically, and then 5 minutes later, my machine
will let me on.  My driver seemed to be loaded correctly as usualy,
however it seems to try to load it twice since I recompiled my kernel:

Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel: tulip.c:v0.10 8/11/95
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel:         +0.72 4/17/96
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel:         +0.02 12/15/96 mjacob@feral.com
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel: eth0: smc9332 (DEC 21140 Tulip) at
0x6400, 00:00:c0:95:08:bf, IRQ 12

Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel: tulip.c:v0.10 8/11/95
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel:         +0.72 4/17/96
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel:         +0.02 12/15/96 mjacob@feral.com
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel: tulip_hwinit: region already allocated at
Jun 27 18:46:08 brainiac kernel: eth0: enabling 10TP port.

I think one thing that might affect this is that I compiled it as a module
this time, which normally don't do.  Also, it enables 10TP port when I'm
on 100 mb ethernet.  I was hoping someone might have a suggestion before I
recompile my kernel again, or is the best thing to compile the driver into
the kernel?   I would really appreciate a response, because I hate to say
it, but my machine is acting worse than a NT machine...  Before all these
problems of having to reboot 2-3 times a day, my debian machine would stay
up until I rebooted to install the latest stable kernel. :)


+ dpk <dpk@egr.msu.edu>                      + work : 517.353.8892 +
+ Systems Undergrad                          + pager: 517.222.5875 +
+ Division of Engineering Computing Services +                     +

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