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dpkg parse error

A couple of months ago I got a CD from IConnect, with Debian 1.2.  I recently
got around to trying to upgrade (from Debian 1.1), using dselect.  When I
tried to Install, I dselect crashed with an error message like:

   dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available'
     near line 14530 package `cdda2wav': empty value for version

Now whenever I try to do anything with dselect or dpkg, it gives me this error.

I thought there might be something wrong with the Packages file on the CD, so
I tried the ftp method, directly from ftp.debian.org.  The result was the same
(but the package name it complained about had changed -- the one above is
actually this latest error).

How can I fix this?  And prevent it from happening again?  It's getting me
very depressed -- and conteplating switching to RedHat!  Any help would be

Another question in a similar vein: Is there any documentation for dpkg and
dselect, that explains what they actually do, and how all the various files in
in /var/lib/dpkg and /usr/lib/dpkg are used?  This mysterious
behind-the-scenes operation is what really irks me about the MSWindows world,
and it pains me to see anything resembling it in Linux.  I know I can always
look at the source code, but that's rather different from documentation.  For
my current problem, I might be courageous enough to try to fix the
/var/lib/dpkg/available file, if I had some guidance as to how it is used (and
where it came from), and what I could screw up by tinkering with it.  At least
I might be able to see where the problem occurred.

David Zelinsky

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