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Idea: make "System" upgrade diskset

There's been a lot of discussion lately on how to upgrade a whole
debian system from 1.2 to 1.3. I would also like to do this at home.
It seems to be very tricky business. Now I often recommend debian to
people getting into Linux because its package management is superior.
I tell them "debian is the easiest to upgrade". This statement is 
certainly true, but we could use a little work in the "system" upgrade
department. Why don't we create a disk set specifically for upgrading
a distribution? 

Bruce: I'd love to volunteer for this but 1) I don't have enough disk
space at home to create an debian environment suitable for creating
packages (especially since I'm usually one major rev behind), and
2) I work too many hours already writing software for money.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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