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Re: Debian got slammed

So, let me see what we have here. I don't think the following
is any exaggeration. I've seen some of these points in this thread

o  Within Debian, we're a happy lot except there's no
   concensys on issues such as dselect, base install
   content, default customization, etc. 
o  Within Debian, we unite to berate RedHat and Slackware.
o  Within Linux, we unite against FreeBSD, SCO open, etc.
o  All the free unix's unite to bash commercial Unix's like 
   Solaris, IRIX, etc.
o  Unix users everywhere unite against OS/2, NT and everything
   else from Micro$oft.

The exact same thing occurs amongst sports fans when it comes
to city, state or provincial teams, division teams, national
teams, etc. Then all fans of one sport like hockey may unite
against baseball fans, and visaversa.

Similar behaviour exists amongst car owners, beer drinkers, 
programming language users, music lovers, emacs and vi users, 
C programmers as to where exactly they place the squiggly braces
and how they indent their code, religion, politics, you name it.

"OK, Rick, So What's Your Point?"

I dunno. Different Strokes for Different Folks. Seems like it's just
human nature to me. Personally, I just seek out those with similar
interests and try not to get sucked into wasting time and energy
converting others to my way of thinking.

That said, I certainly do appreciate that Debian has an official
core that does expend some energy promoting and protecting the Debian


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