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Linux crash with insertion of Adaptec 1542CP card

Hello All:

I have been having a nasty problem ever since I installed an Adaptec
AHA-1542CP SCSI ISA controller card in my Asus PPro 200 system.  My main
disks are on the EIDE controllers and the system was quite stable util I
installed the SCSI card.

After installation of the SCSI card, I have consistent crashes if I leave
the system on long enough or if I try to recompile the kernel.  The whole
system just freezes up and I have to hit the reset switch.

My complete system configuration includes the following:

1.	DecChip Tulip PCI ethernet card which is assigned IRQ 12 by the
2.	SoundBlaster 16 PnP with IDE controller which I do not load
		drivers for under Linux but which uses IRQ 5 and 10 (IDE)
3.	Diamond Stealth 64 Graphics 2000 PCI video card which is assigned
		IRQ 9 by the BIOS

I have tried many different configurations of the AHA-1542 card, I have
turned off the BIOS support in the SCSISoft Configuration menu, I have
turned off plug and play on the card and reserved the IRQ and DMA in the
PCI BIOS setup.

The frustrating thing is that this card had been working fine as the
single disk controller in an ISA 486 system for a long time.  Any insight
from users out there would be much appreciated...



    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                            segre@iit.edu                            *

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