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Debian got slammed

I was browsing a few newsgroups over lunch,  and I ran across the 
following URL:

	The owner of the page compares RedHat,  Slackware,  and Debian.  
He's very pro-slackware,  lukewarm on RedHat,  and anti-Debian.  I'm not 
posting this information to encourage retaliation,  flame wars,  or 
defensive-sounding responses on the part of _anyone_.  The best response 
is undoubtably _NO_ response.

	I just figured that some of those who had an interest in the publicity 
and future development of Debian might like to take a look and see if 
anything he says bears consideration when it comes to decisions such as 
replacing dselect,  or rebuilding the base packages.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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