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Re: Netscape SEGV with 3.3 VGA16

> Has anyone experienced probelms using netscape with the
> XF86_VGA16 server?  I get the following
> 	Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for default background
> followed by a buss error.

I get the warning regualraly on alpha workstations and macintosh, both
in 8 bit color.  Just this morning on ibm's site, for example.  They are
frequently linked with an error about being unable to use some iso font
or another.  I don't usually get the bus error, though.

I can't run netscape most days on linux;  it usually gives me the error
message that it's 3.01 but has 3.0 resources (which is nonsense; it's
entirely 3.01.


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