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Re: color_xterm and xfm, where are they?

Emilio Lopes hat gesagt: // Emilio Lopes wrote: (Emilio.Lopes@physik.tu-muenchen.de):

> >>>>> "AR" == Alberto Ruiz <aruiz@debian1.sssys.com> writes:
> AR> I installed fvwm95 and the default settings have a color_xterm and
> AR> xfm icons.  I looked in all the debian packages but I could not
> AR> find them.  Can some tell where I can find color_xterm and xfm? Or
> AR> Is there a better substitute for those programs?  I also noticed
> The plain normal xterm can do colors. Just put the follwoing in your
> ~/.Xresources:
> #ifdef COLOR
> *customization: -color
> #endif
> Do a "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources"  and start a fresh xterm.

Well, I also have a problem with colors in  "xterm"s.
I get a colored "ls" with .Xresorces set up like you say, 
but how can other programms display their colorings in xterm.

For example: I am using mutt for my e-mail.
It is configured to colorize cites, WWW-URLs and Mail adresses,
but this only works in a linux-console.

And how do I get colors in lynx?





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