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Window Manager Problem

Please can you help:

I have a problem with the fvwm window manager, it cannot load

When I run startx, X starts and displays the grey screen, then drops
back down to the terminal.

I then tried running fvwm from the terminal and got an error:

fvwm: couldnt load libXpm.so.4

I checked and the xpm4.7 package is installed, reinstalled it anyway,
then reinstalled the fvwm packages and still got the same answer.

Unless anyone has any suggestions I feel that it must be a problem with
the hard drive somewhere.  So if I dont hear anything in the next week I
will reformat and see if that fixes it.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

 John Stevenson   3rd Yr BSc Soft. Eng.
  ** Staff/Student Representative **
 E-mail : J.P.Stevenson@ncl.ac.uk
 URL    : http://www.ncl.ac.uk/~n4215605

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