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Re: Print to IP

Greg Vence wrote:
> How/where could I find info on printing to an IP printer?

If the printer supports LPR (newer HP printers with the network
interface do), then you simply need to get up the proper entry in
/etc/printcap and make sure you have the lpr package installed.
(You may want to look at magicfilter too, it will auto-magically
translate various types of files to raw printer language for you.)
You'll need an entry in /etc/printcap which looks like:

lp|My Local HP Laserjet 5P:\

Where PRINTER-NAME is the hostname of your printer (you must have
an entry in /etc/hosts with the name, or you could just put in the
IP I suppose) and PRINTER is the name of the printer which is expected.
On HP printers, you use "raw" when you're going to send it pre-formatted
output, such as ghostscript or dvilj would produce for you. If you
don't have an HP, check the manual. 

All this said, if the printer doesn't support LPR, then I haven't the
foggiest how you'll talk to it. 

Jens B. Jorgensen

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