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Re: more on scsi controllers

> Use a standard kernel, like the rescue disk.
> At the boot: prompt type
> linux fdomain=0x230,11
> If I'm wrong about the 'linux' correct me. I can't reboot right now to
> verify that.

close.  capital L.   But it still didn't work :(  I wonder if the eata
is somehow interfering.  I have a new kernel compiling, hope it's ready
soon, without eata.  I'll try again then.  I'm also beginning to suspect
my floppy has gone bad; i can't mount it, and when i last tired to boot,
it didn't quite find it.  It doesn't even spin/groan when i try to
moutn.  There's another 5.25 drive, but this thing's bios won't boot off
b:, and i don't have any of those old things around, anyway :(     But
if things *really* go bad, there's always the stack of other hd's :)


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