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Re: First impressions on installing Debian 1.3 (and an idea!)

First, let me thank all those that responded to my `impressions' post.
I'll reply to this one, and leave it at that.

> (I thought Debian's installation asked whether you were really sure about
>  running mke2fs,

It does, it does.  Just a case of initial culture shock.

> >  - I assume that the list of installed packages is in some file.  Is it
> >    possible to transfer this file to another PC to instruct Debian to
> >    install the same pacakges?  I often install on several PCs and this 
> >    would be a nice feature.
> first:~ $ dpkg --get-selections > selections
> other:~ # dpkg --set-selections < selections

This is a very nice feature indeed.

An idea about `menu':

 I think the a frustrating thing with Linux is finding out what's
 available.  I think what would attract people to Linux is *showing* them
 all that's available.

 If actual `commands' available in packges were documented somewhere
 (maybe they are), it would be possible to build a window-manager menu
 where installed commands would be listed (like `menu' does) but also
 include `available but not installed' comamnds.  The menu entries could
 be shaded or have a different colour, and instead of running the command,
 selecting the menu entry would pop up a description along with the
 name of the package that held it (it could even optionally install it!).

 Maybe making a menu entry for each package (instead of commands) would 
 be good enough, or even better if a package hold dozens of realted commands.

 I don't know if Debian provides enough info to do this in /var/lib/dpkg.
 My perl or awk skills may be up to the task of extracting the required 
 info to build the menu.  What's missing is an X tool to display the
 package description from a file (or a part extracted from a file).  I
 don't do windows...
 Thoughts?  Is this a good idea?

Another question:  There are many upgrades to make to use a 2.1.X kernels.
                   Are there Debian packages to do these upgrades?
                   (I have an IDE/ATAPI PD-CD; I need 2.1.X if I ever want
                   to see the PD side working.)
Peter Galbraith, research scientist             <galbraith@mixing.qc.dfo.ca>
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada  418-775-0852 - FAX 418-775-0546

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