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Re: slrn help please

I am far from being knowledgable on Linux but I struggled with this
recently and this worked for me on debian 1.2 with the most recent deb
version of slrn.  Go to the appropriate line in your .slrnrc script file. 
Remove the % sign to uncomment the line.  You do need to use the quote
marks.  Maintain the spaces between the terms (my word, maybe not right). 
If you use double quote marks ( "" ) with nothing in between in place of
your username and/or password, you will be prompted to enter them, but
maintain the same spaces as shown in your sample line.  Now here is where I
am uncertain and I am not at my Linux box to check.  There is a separate
file -  /etc/news/server - I think!  If you have your ISP newsserver
specified there - news.gte.net in my case, then you may not need to use the
HOSTNAME term.  Try it both ways.  Also, when I initiate slrn I get a
message saying something like it is sending to news.gte.net and then I get
the username prompt which I enter.  I then get the password prompt but it
doesn't drop down to the next line, rather it writes on top of the username
prompt line.  This confused me at first but I just ignore the userprompt
line formation and write in the password on top of it and press enter.  It
is accepted and slrn connects to the server .  

Good Luck


> I have been using the slrn_0.9.3.2-2 package as a news reader and
> it isn't working any more.  It turns out my ISP's news server just
> asking for my user name and password.  When slrn sees this, it doesn't
> know how to handle the request and also wipes out my .jnewsrc file.   
> Looking at the slrn man page, I found that I needed the following:
> I have tried all sorts of combinations of this, with and without quotes,
> various forms of HOSTNAME (isp, news server, my local hostname, etc.) and
> I still can't get things to work.
> The error message I get is:  Server failed LIST ACTIVE

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