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can't load modules after -> 1.3


	After upgrade to 1.3.0, I can't get modules loaded at boot time.
	Strangely, depmod -a didn't create modules.dep but a empty file.
	The /etc/conf.modules seems ok, as well as, /etc/modules. I can 
load the modules with insmod.
	My kernel was compiled with modules enable and I did a 
make modules; make modules_install.
	Some hints? Is the current depmod version broken or smthg like?


   Mario O.de Menezes                 mailto:mario@curiango.ipen.br 
 | Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/SP  BRAZIL | 
 |                     http://curiango.ipen.br/~mario              |
     "There will be a day when every PC on the world will be a"
               "host, not a 'MyComputer'!" - mom

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