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Re: Disk usage and des-solnet client

> If anyone is running the des-solnet daemon from non-us, be aware that you
> should stop and restart it daily or you might find your disk space being
> eaten up.
> The problem is that it rolls the logs without stopping the program.  The
> program continues writing to the rolled logfile UNTIL the housekeeping
> daemon gzips the log file after rolling through to the second day.  gzip
> will delete the old logfile but des-solnet still has the file open and is
> writing to it.  This will result in the eventual usage of all available
> space in /var/log while an ls will show no file taking up the obviously
> used space. Stopping des-solnet should result in the file being closed and
> the file emilinated freeing up the mystery space.
> Just a heads-up for admins of systems that are left unattended.

Thanks for the warning.

For the latest version, des-solnet_1.03-4, I have totally rewritten 
the lwatch program, so the log files now rotate properly.

I think it's still in Incoming on os.inf.tu-dresden.de (or you can
grab it from my ftp server).

Sorry if I caused you some grief.


 - Jim

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