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NFS and netgroups


Does anyone define his nfs-exports access-permissions via netgroups?
What I meen is a exports entry like

/usr/local	@hosts(ro)

I've defined netgroups in /etc/netgroups and serving them via NIS (yp).

A 'ypcat netgroups' lists me all my groups, so the netgroups should be

If I try to 'mount nfsserver:/usr/local /mnt' on a connected machine, I
get a 'permission deinied'.

Any hints?

| EINSTEIN     Joerg Delker, DataBaseAdmin (dbguru) E3.148, Tel.: 3318 |
| ========     University of Paderborn, Computer Science               |
| e-mail:  einstein@uni-paderborn.de  -  einstein@wofa.bi.eunet.de     |
| Bayernweg 64, 33102 Paderborn, Germany, Tel.: +49 5251 480578        |

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