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kernel with apm/pcmcia for 1.3 install

While attempting to install debian 1.3 on a IBM ThinkPad 760CD,
I've run into a small problem.

The inital install from the disk set went fine.  Not having a
Debian CD, however, I'm trying to do an FTP install.  My
problem is all my communications devices (modem, token-ring
card) are PCMCIA & the pcmcia-modules-2.0.29 package doesn't
like working with pcmcia-cs-2.9.5-3 and can't find the apm
callback routines in the default install kernel.

Has anyone got a copy of pcmcia-cs-2.9.5-2 (to silence dpkg)
or a 2.0.30 kernel with basic apm included so I can get
a little further??

Any other suggestions?

"Normality is a statistical illusion." -- me

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