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Re: zip ECP/EPP driver?

On 10 Jun, Bruce Perens wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken, the ZIP parallel driver is in the main kernel source
> now, and the Debian rescue floppy is zip-enabled.

Well, there's a ppa driver (and has been for some time) but it doesn't
support EPP/ECP modes and is very very slow...
Or do you mean that the 'Curtin' driver (that supports EPP/ECP and gives
rates up to 30 MByte/minute) has been folded into the kernel sources?
Or the paraprt driver that allows sharing of ZIP and printer without
rmmod'ing/insmod'ing the printer/ppa modules?

I was at Campbell's page only last week and saw no notice on it
moving... weird that it'd just disappear with no pointer to a new place
or advance warning...

|                Linux: Turn on...Tune in...Fork out...                 |
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