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Re: Resuming interrupted download from http-site

Dirk Herr-Hoyman wrote:
> At 03:45 AM 6/10/97 -0500, Rob Browning wrote:
> >Johann Spies <jhspies@alpha.futurenet.co.za> writes:
> >
> >> I know ftp reget can resume an interrupted download of a large file.  How
> >> do you do it from a http-site?
> >
> >I think, but I'm not sure, that wget will do what you want.  See "man
> >wget" for more details.
> http is a stateless protocol whereas ftp does maintain state.  It's hard to
> deal with an interruptted transfer without state.  This is similar to what
> NFS does to maintain a connection in the face of the server, say,
> rebooting.   While not completely inconceivable to maintain state with
> http, which is what cookies do, this would be difficult.

Hmmm, doesn't zmodem resume a download by simply asking that the file
xfer start at a certain file offset, which is simply the size of the
partially downloaded file? Then it just appends to the file. I thought
some FTP implementations were doing this already.


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