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Re: Best e-mail approach for discon. sites


> If the users on the remote systems have accounts on the e-mail system,
> couldn't they just login and read mail like standard users?  Another
> option would be POP or (possibly) IMAP.  If what you're describing is
> close to the way an ISP would handle user mail, go with POP.

Sorry for the missing information...

Each office will have its own LAN (Ethernet). I don't want the users at each
office to deal with PPP/dial-up connections. As a matter of fact, all
the users at these remote offices are users POP through a dial-up PPP
connection to send/receive e-mail but I want to change this, I want to
make this easier.

However, I want something simpler: I want the users to press the Send
button in Eudora and have this message queued in the server for later
delivery by a dial-up connection made every hour, for example. Also,
when the servers connect, I want to retrieve all pending mail for the
remote office. Also, several times we find the same message going to several
people at the same office so, why to waste bandwidth if it is the same
message, with the same message ID? As far as I know, sendmail only sends
one message to a site where the message goes to several recipients...
POP would require each user to fetch the message.

Am I understood now?




Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

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